Camden Volunteers' Annual Report

Volunteer Centre Camden

Volunteer Centre Camden wanted an Annual Report that was a clean design with easy to read pie charts and on as few pages as possible (to keep costs down) without looking cluttered.

Getting good pictures to use in these kinds of publications is always a problem as its not the  first thing charity customers think of and the budget never covers the cost of a photographer.This is where our network of photo libraries comes in very handy and at a fraction of the cost of a photographer we can supply many good, original photos which raises a publication from average to amazing.

As time went on Volunteer Centre Camden wanted an Annual Report that could be emailed to save on production cost, so we designed an ‘Interactive Pdf’ that looks good on the screen and can easily be printed in house if needed. This alone saved about 70% of the total production costs and that is music to the ears of a charity director!


Camden volunteers annual report

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